I got the indirect lighting to work correctly. There were some stupid bugs in my SH code. In the screenshots I use a 3x3x3 grid of sampling points (see last post) and one bonce of indirect light. There is also a (very) small constant ambient term so that no surfaces are completely black. Combined with SSAO it looks quite nice.
The scene is simple and HDR is deactivated so that the lighting effects is more apparent.
damn great the AO looks so clean!
I also think about implementing AO in my engine.
You did not mention what approach you used here. Is it screenspace? how did you avoid the typical "grainy" look?
oh sorry I missed your last post... yeah it really looks great but I think it is to slow for huge dynamic scenes...
lately I was thinking about generating very small but unique ambient occlusion maps for each and every object in my scene because I am almost using unique textures everywhere...
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